Let’s disrupt and eliminate the school-to-prison pipeline.
Action! by Design has been working with the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI), an initiative of the Massachusetts Department of Youth Services to imagine a new way to engage in youth justice work.
A specific focus of this work that followed a year of community-based workshops and discussions is eliminating the school-to-prison pipeline and realizing a youth justice system that is trauma-informed, antiracist, developmentally appropriate to the age of the child, and rooted in transformative justice.
A co-chair committee including Citizens for Juvenile Justice (CfJJ), The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s (DESE), The Education Trust, PPAL, More Than Words, YouthBuild Lowell, and the Framingham Public School District convened a first contact summit on October 6, 2021, “Reimagining School Climate: A Convening for Collective Action to Eliminate the School-to-Prison Pipeline” as a critical step to forming a community of learning and practice surrounding this issues.
If you would like to be informed about or involved in this work, please fill out this form:
Did you miss our summit on eliminating the school-to-prison pipeline in October 2022? Watch the video of our speakers here.